JDev VSS Extension

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Shows VSS Extensions preferences dialog using SourceSafe

Shows VSS Extensions preferences dialog using SourceOffSite

Project binding to SourceSafe workfolder

Download extension

Below is a list of all files included in the current release. Before downloading, you may want to read Release Notes.

Released [date] Filename Type
  0.6[Notes] (2006-08-07 09:10) VSSExtension_v05.zip .zip
  VSSExtension_v05_src.zip Source .zip


Installation instructions

The extension is available in two ways. Either through the JDeveloper update center, reachable through Help/Check for updates, or you can download it here. The latter option requires some manual work.

1.      Download the zip file.
2.      Unpack, placing the included jar file in JDeveloper installation folder under /jdev/extensions/
3.      Restart JDeveloper, the extension will install itself into JDevelopers extension repository.


Configuring the VSS Extension

Configuration panel location

After installation, the extensions configuration panel is available under the Versioning node in JDevelopers preferences dialog.

The VSS Extension configuration panel is only one panel. Your SourceSafe connection configuration is done from here.

Choose client

By default, this checkbox is unchecked. This specifies that you are to use Microsofts Visual SourceSafe client to contact your SourceSafe server.

If you choose to check this checkbox, you specify that you wish to use SourceGear’s SourceOffSite client to connect to your SourceSafe server, or that you are using SourceGear’s Vault as your Source/Version Control System.

Server connection

The extension needs to know how to connect to your SourceSafe server.

VSS Executable:

Specify the path to your SS.EXE SourceSafe command line client.

VSS Database:

Specify the path to the SourceSafe server. The path can be a UNC path element. The server must be located on a network share and your computer must have the appropriate network permissions in order to access it.
The servers root path is the location of the srcsafe.ini file.

SOS Executable:

Specify the path to your soscmd.exe SourceOffSite command line client.

SOS Database:

Specify the path on the SourceSafe’s servers local file system, to the SourceSafe database root folder.
The servers root path is the location of the srcsafe.ini file.

SOS Server:

The IP Address or the DNS resolved name of the server hosting the SourceSafe database.


The port on the server listening for incoming calls to the SourceOffSite service.


Either which client you choose to contact your SourceSafe server, you need to provide login information.

Bind project to a SourceSafe working folder

In addition to the connection information, each JDeveloper project needs to connect the content folder to a working project in SourceSafe.


Extension howto's (technical):

The VSSExtension fires an event after every VSS Operation performed.
This means that there is a possibility to perform additional automated actions, by extending the listener interface.


import org.jdev10.vss.api.VSSOperationListener 
import org.jdev10.vss.api.OperationEvent 
  public void operationPerformed(OperationEvent e) { 
    switch (e.getOperationType()) { 
      case e.ADDED: 
      case e.CHECKED_IN: 
      case e.CHECKED_OUT: 
      case e.UNDO_CHECKOUT: 
      case e.GET_LATEST: 


Extension references

Mr. Shay Shmeltzer of the Oracle Coorporation has been so kind as to mention this project in his blog.

The author has also been rewarded Editors choice award 2006 for JDeveloper Extension developer of the year. Thank you very much, Oracle Magazine. This is greatly appretiated. When the article comes on print (should be in the November/December issue of Oracle Magazine), I will add a link to it here.


Support the author

Please donate any amount found reasonable through
By doing so, you are supporting future development of this extension. You are ensuring that the possibility of bugfix releases, feature improvements and feature additions are made possible.

